“Labyrinth of Love is an over-leisurely cruise through human emotions by Irish dancemaker Marguerite Donlon. The texts (everything from Sappho to Liz Taylor) are set to a score by American composer Michael Daugherty and wittily sung by onstage soprano Kirsty Hopkins.” (L. Levene, The Telegraph)
Rambert Dance Company London
Premiere: 10.10.2012, The Lowry, Salford, Great Britain
Choreography & Concept: Marguerite Donlon
Music / Original Score: Michael Daugherty
Video & Images: Mat Collishaw
Stage & Costumes: Conor Murphy
Light: Charles Balfour
Dancers: Rambert Dance Company, London / Miguel Altunaga, Lucia Barbadillo, Eryck Brahmania, Otis-Cameron Carr, Antonette Dayrit, Julia Gillespie, Robin Gladwin, Dane Hurst, Estela Merlos, Mbulelo Ndabeni, Adam Park, Hannah Rudd, Jon Savage, Stephen Wright
Photos: Bettina Stöß